Perdido Key Confidential

Perdido Key Confidential
Twitter @Key_Perdido

Friday, August 7, 2020


I am very proud that the board did not capitulate to the lobbying from the communist side of this national controversy. Another meeting finished without a mandatory mask law. We will not meet again for another two weeks. If our current trends continue, our numbers will be looking great and that will take a lot of wind out of their sails....(Note: Who's fucking sails, Popeye?)....Beware a shocking headline from the PNJ with a new “spike” that is actually based on medical facts and not the bullshit that I pump out on social media on a daily basis. - The Commissar of Perdido Key

I wanted to show some of the comments and support that I received from anti-mask conspiracy freaks, Trumpers, MAGAs and overall retards who don't even live in Florida and who responded to my email that had everyone on the BOCC whining like a bunch of bitches. Thank you all! -CPK


Being a sailor I always get photos from women on my Facebook page wanting sexy time with me but this photo tugged at my heartstrings. Pictured is an exotic dancer who wears a mask that is not just worthless but sexy. That's the Trump way!

I had to Google these "musical" acts to find out who this contributor was talking about. I'm more of a Bing Crosby fan even though he was a secret raging boozehound who abused his kids to the point of suicide! 

Feel free to contact my office for this get out of jail free card.


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